We are collaborating with artists that are interested in moving towards the future of music. We are looking for serious artists and producers to collaborate with in this Web 3 journey. If we cannot produce your genre type, we can still give you a platform to launch on and get your name known in the Web 3 space. We have done two Web 3 collaborations so far and we are happy to have worked with these artists. We love any and all types of genres. If you make it, we want to push it to the Web 3 community. Make sure to contact us on Discord and Twitter as we are always present there. We are definitely looking forward to hearing from all of you talented artists out there!
If you are a producer and would like to collaborate on instrumentals and learn how to get your instrumentals on the blockchain, you can join the community and see if we can get a collaboration going between youself and our in house producer. We can teach you how to run your own instrumental NFT page and how to list your instrumentals for sale. Lets take back our ownership and collect all of our royalties, rightfully. The future of selling instrumentals is here. Do not miss out on this golden opportunity to come vibe with us on one of our social media platforms.