Every transaction involving $Mp9 incurs a 12% tax, which is distributed as follows:
5% to Current Holders’ Wallets: This feature ensures that the $Mp9 community members benefit from the growth of the token. By simply holding $Mp9 in their wallets, investors are automatically rewarded with a 5% share of each transaction.
5% to Liquidity Pool: To maintain liquidity and stability, 5% of each transaction is added to the liquidity pool. This ensures that there is ample liquidity available for buying, selling, and trading $Mp9 tokens on various platforms.
2% to Redlight Marketing Wallet: The Redlight marketing wallet is allocated 2% of each transaction to support the development of the $Mp9 ecosystem. These funds enable the company to drive marketing initiatives, secure necessary music features, and build brand awareness for $Mp9 and Redlight LLC.